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Hopes for the school are high in spite of the lack of resources.
The head of the PTA and a former student outside the school
Martina and her children at work
At work at the Clinic dispensary
The drone view of the hospital
The supply chain is critical to hospital services
With 49 minutes to go in our 17 hours of flying, I’m reflecting on the impact this trip has had on me personally. As with my prior trips with Americares, my time in Liberia only strengthened my belief in our mission, the work we’re doing and our focus on supporting local health centers. The people of Liberia were warm and welcoming. While clearly still scarred and weary from a not too distant civil war and even more (in the opinion of everyone I asked) devastating battle against Ebola, they remain resolute and optimistic. They have hopes and ambitions for themselves, personally, but also for their country more broadly. They are also grateful to all those who donate their time and talents to support Liberia.
I can only hope and pray the stories we tell will bring more support to keep our work in Liberia going.