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StatusCrisis Alert DateJanuary 8, 2025 Region USA

US: Americares Launches Response to California Wildfires

Firefighters battle the Eaton Fire in strong winds as many homes burn on January 7, 2025 in Pasadena, California. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)

Americares is responding to the wildfires devastating Los Angeles, including the Eaton and Palisades fires. Our emergency response team is on the ground in Los Angeles and has offered assistance to more than 70 partners. We are mobilizing to address urgent health needs, including masks and respiratory medicines, to protect survivors and support health services. 

Americares team members speak with Frank, a resident of Pasadena, who discusses the impact the Eaton Fire has had on his neighborhood on Sunday, January 12, 2025 (Photo/Mike Demas).

Fueled by record Santa Ana winds, the fires destroyed over 12,000 structures in five days.  At least 25 people are reported dead, and tens of thousands of residents across Los Angeles are under evacuation orders. The fires have also led to widespread power outages in Los Angeles County. 

Americares distribution center is stocked with medicine and relief supplies in high demand during disasters such as the Los Angeles wildfires.

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