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AmeriCares Receives Funds for Flood Disaster Relief

  • June 16, 2004

International Power Company Sends Donation for Dominican Republic

Stamford, CT, June 16 2004 – AmeriCares has received a $10,000 donation from Globeleq, an international power company focused on the world’s emerging markets of Africa, the Americas and Asia. The funds are earmarked for relief efforts in the Dominican Republic, following disastrous flooding last month.

Heavy flood waters caused power outages and damage to highways and village roads in the Dominican Republic, where the U.S. Ambassador has issued a disaster declaration. The government estimates that between 1000 and 2000 people have been killed by flood waters and mudslides. Bridges and roads have been washed out, cutting off ground access to thousands more; rescue workers report people buried beneath their homes.

Said Stephen B. Morisseau, Director of Public and Government Affairs for Globeleq, “I spoke with Celina de Sola, AmeriCares’ director of disaster relief, who identified two immediate needs in the Dominican Republic – for potable water, and sanitation efforts. That is how our funds will be used.”

He added, “I was very impressed by AmeriCares’ needs-based focus. They already had an initial assessment team in the Dominican Republic when I contacted them. They responded to me immediately.”

Morisseau said the donation is in keeping with his company’s philosophy of giving. “Such a donation is a good fit with our mission to provide clean, reliable energy and promote a sound infrastructure. Social and environmental responsibility are fundamental to our value and operations.” Gobeleq currently operates 20 power projects in 15 countries, including the Dominican Republic, and has offices in Houston and London..

AmeriCares is happy to receive the aid. Said AmeriCares President and CEO Curtis Welling, “We are grateful to companies and individuals who share in our critical mission, to provide life-saving assistance to those in need around the world.”

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Since its founding in 1982, AmeriCares has provided more than $3.5 billion of short-term and long-term assistance to more than 137 countries. When a country is faced with hardship as a result of hurricanes, floods, earthquakes or terrorist attacks, AmeriCares responds immediately with life-saving relief assistance and continues its support as long as there is a need. AmeriCares works with in-country partners to determine local needs and customize the appropriate assistance, assembles product donations from the private sector, and solicits the funding to send the aid via airlift or ocean cargo. AmeriCares works hard to ensure that it is effective and accountable, and has been awarded the four-star rating from Charity Navigator. For every $100 donated, more than $2,800 of aid is created through partnerships and in-kind contributions. To help AmeriCares with its work, the public can make a donation online at:, or by calling AmeriCares directly at: 800-468-HELP (4357).