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AmeriCares Sends Aid in Response to Hurricane Ivan

  • September 20, 2004

Stamford, CT, September 20 2004 – AmeriCares is responding to Hurricane Ivan’s extensive path of destruction across the southeast United States and the Caribbean with a comprehensive relief effort.

In Mobile, Alabama, AmeriCares is teaming up with the local Salvation Army to distribute $150,000 worth of personal hygiene products and cleaning supplies donated by its corporate partner, Kimberly-Clark Corporation (NYSE: KMB). Kimberly-Clark’s factory in Mobile is a leading employer there, with nearly 800 employees. AmeriCares is continuing to evaluate relief needs here and in the neighboring states hardest hit by Ivan and will send additional shipments as necessary.

In Jamaica, an AmeriCares emergency response team is working with local officials to respond to the greatest needs. In the immediate aftermath of the storm, at least 16 were confirmed dead, approximately 90% of the roads on the island nation were blocked by mudslides and fallen debris, and thousands of people lost power and running water. The majority of the affected rural areas are hard to reach and many are still lacking power and water.

AmeriCares is deploying 26,000 pounds of relief materials to Jamaica including rehydration solutions, antibiotics, nutritional supplements, vitamins, IV solutions and basic first aid supplies. These materials, valued at $183,000 will be distributed through the efforts of the Adventist Development & Relief Agency (ADRA), which operates a hospital and three clinics on the island.

In Grenada, AmeriCares is also teaming up with ADRA to distribute 8,800 pounds of relief materials including medical supplies and medicines, basic first aid, nutritional supplements and personal hygiene products valued at $32,000. The medical supplies and medicines will be given to St. George’s Hospital. Grenada was devastated by Hurricane Ivan, with 90% of the island’s infrastructure destroyed, 28 confirmed dead and more than 300 people treated for injuries.

It has been one of the worst hurricane seasons on record so far this year for the Caribbean and the southeast United States. To support AmeriCares relief efforts for the hurricane victims, log onto or call AmeriCares directly at 1-800-486-HELP (4357).