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AmeriCares Announces $500,000 Donation to Tsunami Relief Effort

  • January 4, 2005

NYSE Foundation donates on behalf of members and employees

Stamford, CT, January 4 2005 – AmeriCares, the humanitarian relief agency, announced the receipt of a $500,000 donation from the New York State Stock Exchange Foundation to benefit its relief effort in Asia. In addition to the $500,000 donation, the NYSE Foundation will match Exchange employee donations to tsunami relief and recovery efforts.

“The New York Stock Exchange joins the global community in expressing our sympathy and support for the victims and survivors of this tragedy,” said NYSE CEO John A. Thain.

AmeriCares has mobilized emergency response teams and airlifts into Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia and is delivering essential medicines such as antibiotics, anti-diarrheals, oral rehydration solutions and water purification treatments. More than 155,000 people have died since the devastating earthquake and tsunamis hit South Asia on December 26, 2004.

“We are truly appreciative of the New York Stock Exchange Foundation’s generosity at this critical time,” said Curtis R. Welling, president and CEO of AmeriCares. “In the aftermath of this tragedy, millions of people are now at risk for diseases. This donation will allow us to ensure that our medicines and other aid will reach those who need it the most as quickly as possible and to begin the process of reconstructing and re-equipping the medical infrastructure.”

Individuals wishing to support AmeriCares’ relief efforts in South Asia can log onto, or call AmeriCares directly at 1-800-486-HELP (4357).