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Americares Sends First Airlift to India; Aid Valued at $8 Million

  • January 21, 2005

Stamford, CT, January 21 2005 – AmeriCares’ first airlift to India in response to the tsunami has arrived in Chennai, carrying 36 tons of medicines, medical equipment, water purification treatments and other aid valued at nearly $8 million. With the arrival of this airlift, AmeriCares has sent more than 155 tons of aid into the tsunami-stricken countries of India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

An AmeriCares team of emergency relief personnel has been working in India for several weeks, undertaking a health assessment in the state of Tamil Nadu and readying for the airlift. More than 10,000 people died in India as a result of the tsunami, and another 600,000 were displaced from their homes. The majority of the displaced tsunami survivors are living in informal camps along the coastline with rudimentary basic hygiene conditions and sanitation infrastructure.

“This disaster has created a dire situation of unsanitary conditions, putting the survivors at risk for disease,” said Christoph Gorder, vice president of international programs for AmeriCares. “By working together with the local authorities and non-governmental agencies already in place, we can ensure that our medicines and other aid will reach those who need it the most.”

The AmeriCares airlift contained essential medicines such as antibiotics, medical supplies such as sutures and surgical kits, nutritional supplements, oral rehydration solutions and more.

Between December 30, 2004 and January 20, 2005, AmeriCares has sent seven airlifts into Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka, carrying aid valued at more than $12 million.

To support AmeriCares relief efforts in Asia, log onto or call AmeriCares directly at 1-800-486-HELP (4357).