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AmeriCares Closes Tsunami Relief Fund

  • March 23, 2005

Thanks to Generous Americans, AmeriCares Fundraising Meets Projected Need

Stamford, CT, March 23 2005 – AmeriCares, the global humanitarian relief agency, announced today that it has raised sufficient funds to meet its immediate and long term plans to assist in the relief and rehabilitation of tsunami-affected countries in south Asia.

To date, AmeriCares has received approximately $40 million in donations from individuals, community groups, corporations and foundations. Due to this generous response, effective March 31, 2005, AmeriCares will no longer accept donations to its dedicated Tsunami Relief Fund. This decision was made on the basis of donations received and with the expectation that pledges made to the Tsunami Relief Fund will be fulfilled, including special events and corporate / employee matching programs.

In the immediate aftermath of the tsunami, AmeriCares delivered seven airlifts, carrying 160 tons of medicine, emergency supplies and water purification treatments, worth $12 million to Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India. Now as relief efforts shift from rescue to on-going help for the survivors, AmeriCares is focused on the long-term needs in these countries.

“Three months ago the power of the tsunami transformed the landscape of many Asian countries and Americans responded,” says Curt Welling, AmeriCares President and CEO. “We are honored and grateful for the support and trust of the American people. Thanks to the compassion of so many, AmeriCares is well positioned to play a significant role in helping those impacted by the tsunami to rebuild their lives.

“As AmeriCares responded to the tsunami disaster, we were ever mindful of the humanitarian needs in other parts of the world. During this time we continued our relief work in over 40 countries around the world and responded to natural and manmade emergencies in Sudan, Afghanistan, Uganda and El Salvador. Our commitment to help people wherever and whenever is unwavering. For this work we are grateful for the generosity of our donors as they partner with us in supporting those who need our help so desperately.”

AmeriCares will continue to publish information about the humanitarian work made possible by the generous support of the American people. For more information about AmeriCares efforts in the tsunami region, log onto