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AmeriCares Airlift Lands in Niger

  • August 22, 2005

Medical Relief Will Aid Victims of Food Crisis

Stamford, CT, August 22 2005 – An AmeriCares airlift landed in Niger this weekend, bringing nearly 30,000 pounds of medical relief to aid the millions of people affected by the ongoing food crisis in that country.

The food crisis in Niger reached a critical point earlier this month with 2.5 million people facing starvation and another 3.5 million dealing with food shortages. Children are among the most vulnerable, with more than 800,000 at risk, according to recent UN reports. The AmeriCares airlift is delivering antibiotics, anti-malarials, oral rehydration solutions and other medicines needed to help treat the communicable diseases that are common during this crisis.

“People suffering from malnutrition are more susceptible to other diseases due to their weakened condition, including upper respiratory infections, malaria and water-borne illnesses,” said Christoph Gorder, vice president of international programs for AmeriCares. “By working with the local non-governmental agencies already in place, we can ensure that our medicines will reach those who need it the most as quickly as possible.”

To support AmeriCares relief efforts in Niger, log onto, or call AmeriCares directly at 1-800-486-HELP (4357).

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