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AmeriCares launches India Operations

  • May 5, 2008

Appoints Dr. Purvish Parikh as the new Managing Director

For Immediate Release
AmeriCares, an international disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization, formally launches its expanded operations in India and appoints Dr. Purvish M. Parikh, distinguished oncologist and nonprofit leader, as Managing Director of AmeriCares India. AmeriCares India will provide a strong platform for AmeriCares to acquire and distribute donated medicines throughout India and the region, tapping India’s pharmaceutical sector. This will enable AmeriCares to deliver more medicines and medical supplies to benefit more people in response to emergency medical needs and chronic supply shortages in health care facilities serving the poor.

Curt Welling, President and CEO, AmeriCares said, “For over 15 years AmeriCares has been delivering aid to the people of India in response to natural disasters and to the ongoing needs of the poor populations throughout the country. We have provided medicines, medical supplies and humanitarian aid that have improved access to health care after natural disasters and in communities struggling with chronic poverty. We are very proud to expand our operations by launching AmeriCares India, enabling us to deliver more medicines to more people around the world. AmeriCares India will serve as a vital hub for distributing critical medicines and supplies throughout India and the region.”

From preventive care for children to emergency disaster relief for survivors of the 2004 tsunami, floods, monsoons and earthquakes, AmeriCares is working to improve health in India and the surrounding region.

Elizabeth Furst Frank, Senior Vice President, Global Program Operations, AmeriCares said, “AmeriCares has delivered more than $45 million worth of life-saving medicines and medical supplies to health care providers in India over the last 15 years. Through the establishment of AmeriCares India, we are deepening our commitment to the region in order to help more people live longer, healthier lives. AmeriCares India allows us to channel the philanthropic commitment of India’s domestic and multinational pharmaceutical industry effectively and efficiently to fill immediate supply gaps in hospitals and clinics serving the poor. Additionally, AmeriCares India will increase AmeriCares quick response to emergencies and natural disasters in Asia and Northern Africa.”

Donated medicines play a key role in addressing supply gaps that hinder health care providers from delivering effective care in resource-poor and disaster-struck communities. The thriving Indian pharmaceutical industry, which is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of drugs and medical supplies, has welcomed AmeriCares India, appreciating the opportunity to increase the scale, effectiveness and reach of its product donations.

Dr. Purvish M. Parikh, Managing Director, AmeriCares India said, “With an office at Khar and warehouse located in Bhiwandi, Mumbai, we are able to reach more people not only in all corners of India but also around this part of the world. The World Health Organization estimates more than 2 billion people around the world have inadequate access to medicine. Of those, more than one-third (700 million people) live in India. To improve the availability of medicines to indigent communities and disaster prone states in India, AmeriCares is replicating in India its already successful global medical assistance and emergency response programs. Our new Mumbai office is strategically located to deliver this promise.”

“AmeriCares is building upon a long and successful history in the country. This enables us to accept and distribute donations of high- quality medicines from India’s burgeoning pharmaceutical industry, and provide medical assistance to under-resourced hospitals, clinics and community health programs in India and neighboring Africa and Asia. The Baxter International Foundation, MetLife Foundation and MasterCard Worldwide are our corporate supporters, who have provided funding/support for AmeriCares India” added Dr. Parikh.

Celene Peurye, Director, The Baxter International Foundation, said, “Baxter has partnered with AmeriCares for more than 21 years, donating life-saving and sustaining products for those in need around the world. The company’s philanthropic arm, The Baxter International Foundation, is pleased to help fund the addition of the India warehouse to better position AmeriCares to respond to the needs of the region. Supporting our global community is a priority for Baxter, and we share AmeriCares commitment to strengthening access to healthcare worldwide.”

AmeriCares has worked with more than 11 partners throughout India, providing medical assistance valued at over $45 million that has helped nearly 10 million people. Current partners include: Project Concern International in Pune, Maharashtra, Bihar and Tamil Nadu; Niramaya Health Foundation in Mumbai; Society for Service to Voluntary Agencies in Maharashtra; Duncan Emmanuel Hospital Association in Bihar; and Impact Foundation in Maharashtra.

In addition, AmeriCares has responded to emergencies and natural disasters throughout India, including: the 2001 Gujarat earthquake, the 2004 tsunami, the 2007 and 2008 flooding in Bihar, and the 1993 earthquake in Maharashtra. We have also supported disaster preparedness and trauma training in Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu; as well as ongoing medical assistance through partners, including SOSVA, Niramaya Health Foundation and Duncan Hospital.

About AmeriCares:
AmeriCares is a private, nonprofit international disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization, which delivers medicines, medical supplies and aid to people in crisis around the world. Since it was established in 1982, AmeriCares has distributed more than $9 billion in humanitarian aid to 137 countries. For more information, please visit and

About Baxter International:
The Baxter International Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Baxter International Inc. (NYSE:BAX), helps organizations expand access to health care in the United States and around the world. The foundation, established in 1981, began to focus exclusively on increasing access to health care in 2002 – particularly for the disadvantaged and underserved – in communities where Baxter employees live and work.

Baxter International Inc. develops, manufactures and markets products that save and sustain the lives of people with hemophilia, immune disorders, infectious diseases, kidney disease, trauma, and other chronic and acute medical conditions. As a global, diversified health care company, Baxter applies a unique combination of expertise in medical devices, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology to create products that advance patient care worldwide.