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Crisis Alert: We are responding to Hurricane Helene

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Emergency Aid Shipped to Florida

  • July 30, 2012

To help families in Florida struggling in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Debby, AmeriCares has sent the first shipment of emergency cleanup kits along with a truckload of bottled water.

The violent tropical storm battered north and central Florida on June 23-25, causing tornadoes and widespread flooding.  In the hard-hit communities of Live Oak and Sopchoppy, the flooding has led to hazardous mildew growth in many homes, and compromised water supplies, leaving many residents without safe drinking water

A shipment of 100 of the new emergency household cleanup kits along with a  truckload of water was shipped to a partner organization for distribution to individuals and families in need. The kits, containing mops, bleach, buckets, and other supplies needed to clean up homes damaged by floods and other disasters, are part of AmeriCares disaster preparedness initiative.

“We prepare for high-impact seasonal disasters like hurricanes well before they occur,” explained Garrett Ingoglia, Director of Emergency Response at AmeriCares. “These kits are pre-positioned in our Stamford warehouse, ready to ship at a moment’s notice to help survivors of U.S. disasters.”

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