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Spotlight on: Community HealthWorx

  • September 1, 2012

The partner:The second-oldest free clinic in the state of Louisiana, Community HealthWorx provides free medical treatment, prescription medications and health education to low-income, uninsured working people and their families across the Central Louisiana region.  Since 2009, Americares has supported the clinic with ongoing shipments of chronic care and over-the-counter medicines, vaccine vouchers and medical supplies, as well as emergency medical aid.The emergency: Hurricane Isaac struck Louisiana on August 28, pounding coastal communities with heavy rains, gusty winds, severe flooding and widespread power outages. Plaquemines Parish was one of the hardest hit areas, making headlines with dramatic rooftop rescues of families stranded after a storm surge overtopped a local levee, flooding the area with up to 12 feet of water. To help evacuees who escaped the floods, a state shelter opened at Louisiana State University’s Alexandria campus, serving up to 2,500, including 250 with special medical needs.Within days of the disaster, Americares rushed a shipment of diabetes test kits, rescue inhalers and hypertension medication to help Community HealthWorx volunteers treat evacuees in the shelter who were in need of care and medication to manage their chronic conditions.The need:The city of Alexandria, located in the center of Louisiana has a large population in need – 24.3% of people live below the federal poverty line.  In a state where 17% of the general population lives without health insurance, it is difficult for many citizens to access health care even under normal circumstances. Since 1999, Community HealthWorx has provided quality healthcare to the uninsured of Central Alexandria.  Supported by a strong base of volunteer physicians, nurses, pharmacists and administrative assistants, the clinic sees 450 patients for multiple visits each year.  The staff at Community HealthWorx provides primary care to their patients, as well as women’s health services, preventive health education classes and prescription medications free of charge.  The clinic has a strong relationship with local physicians to whom they can refer patients for follow-up specialty care when needed. Americares network of 400+ clinics across the U.S. plays an essential role in identifying needs and distributing aid to communities stricken by disaster.Resources:

  • Visit Free Clinics Today, our innovative online resource guide for America’s free clinics and nonprofit health centers.
  • Partner clinics can order medicines and supplies on the Americares U.S. Access website; the medicines are shipped within six days.
  • Icon PDF Download the special reportAddressing Resource Gaps in the U.S. Health Care Safety Net—the first nationwide study of free clinic resource needs.

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