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AmeriCares Delivering Relief Supplies to Colorado

  • September 20, 2013

Stamford, Conn. – Sept. 20, 2013 – AmeriCares is delivering relief supplies to assist families affected by the record flooding in Colorado. The nonprofit global health and disaster relief organization is sending 1,100 emergency kits, Johnson & Johnson baby care products and medical equipment for flood survivors in Larimer, Boulder, Weld and Jefferson counties. The relief supplies are leaving AmeriCares Stamford, Conn., warehouse today and will be distributed to displaced families and residents cleaning up damaged homes at aid distribution centers in the coming days. In Sterling, where the sanitary sewer and water system was affected by flooding and the city has restricted tap water use, AmeriCares and Nestle Waters North America are delivering a truckload of bottled water this weekend.

AmeriCares deployed an emergency expert to Colorado earlier this week in response to the massive flooding. More than 18,000 homes have been damaged or destroyed and more than 100 people are still unaccounted for.

“Thousands of people are now returning to water-damaged homes and many more are still unable to return home,” said Garrett Ingoglia, AmeriCares vice president of emergency response. “We are working with partner organizations to meet the most urgent needs of families affected by the disaster.”

AmeriCares has delivered medical relief and humanitarian assistance globally to millions affected by natural and man-made disasters for more than 30 years. The aid organization has a long history of responding to U.S. disasters including the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Joplin tornado in 2011 and the 2012 Colorado wildfires. Most recently, its relief workers have been assisting survivors of Hurricane Sandy and the Oklahoma tornadoes.

Donations to AmeriCares U.S. Disaster Relief Fund will support the relief efforts in Colorado. To donate go to or call 1(800) 486-HELP.

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