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Americares Prepared as Irma Heads Toward Florida

  • September 08, 2017
  • Press Release
Stamford, Conn. Sept. 8, 2017 – Americares is positioning staff and medicine in Florida as Hurricane Irma barrels toward the state. Now a Category 4 storm, Hurricane Irma is packing winds up to 155 mph and has the potential to bring with it catastrophic storm surges, severe flash flooding and up to 16 inches of rain when it makes landfall this weekend. “We anticipate the needs in Florida will be similar to those in Texas in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey,” said Americares Vice President of Emergency Response Garrett Ingoglia. “We will help address urgent health and medical needs, provide medicine and supplies for displaced families and help restore health services.” In times of emergency, Americares helps health centers re-open their doors for survivors as soon as possible by replacing medication, supplies and equipment ruined by floodwaters and assisting with repairs. In advance of Irma, Americares is pre-positioning insulin at a partner health clinic in central Florida ahead of the storm and has additional stocks of medicine ready to ship as soon as the hurricane passes. Its Emergency Response team has been in contact with more than 80 partner organizations and health clinics across the state with offers of assistance. President Donald Trump has declared a state of emergency in Florida, and areas of the state are under mandatory evacuation orders. Hurricane Irma has already caused 23 deaths and devastated islands throughout the Caribbean. The health-focused relief and development organization also has emergency response experts on the ground in Texas, Puerto Rico, Haiti and the Dominican Republic working to meet health needs in communities affected by recent storms. Americares has professional relief workers ready to respond to disasters rapidly and stocks emergency medicine and supplies in its warehouses in the U.S., Europe and India that can be delivered quickly in times of crisis. The organization responds to an average of 30 natural disasters and humanitarian crises worldwide each year, establishes long-term recovery projects and brings disaster preparedness programs to vulnerable communities Donations to Americares Hurricane Irma Relief Fund will support Americares response to the storm. To make a donation, please go to