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Press Release

Americares Opens Medical Clinic for Hurricane Michael Survivors

  • October 22, 2018
  • Panama City Clinic to Provide Care Seven Days a Week

Stamford, Conn. – Oct. 22, 2018 – Americares has opened a temporary medical clinic in Panama City, Fla., to ensure access to care for Hurricane Michael survivors. The clinic, located in the Bay County Health Department parking lot at 597 West 11th St., Panama City, provides free primary care services for children and adults, including prescription medication, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. seven days a week.

“With businesses and doctors’ offices closed, there is a tremendous need to replace medication lost in the storm,” said Tom Cotter, Americares emergency response team leader in Florida. “Some of the worst damage was in low-income communities where families were struggling before the hurricane. Our clinic ensures every survivor has access to treatment, whether they’re injured cleaning up the damage or need a prescription refill.”

The clinic is managed by Americares, a health-focused relief and development organization that saves lives and improves health for people affected by poverty or disaster, with volunteer doctors and nurses from Hope Medical Clinic in Destin, Fla. Americares is also providing medicine and supplies for the temporary facility.

WHAT: Free primary care services for children and adults

WHEN:  9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

WHERE: Bay County Health Department, 597 West 11th St., Panama City, Fla.

An Americares emergency response team deployed to Florida earlier this month as Michael was approaching. As soon as the storm cleared and it was safe to travel, the team began delivering medicine and relief supplies to shelters and health care facilities throughout the Panhandle. To date, Americares has delivered nearly $1 million in medicine and relief supplies for Hurricane Michael survivors, including insulin, antibiotics, tetanus vaccine and medications for patients with diabetes and hypertension.

Americares has professional relief workers ready to respond to disasters at a moment’s notice and stocks emergency medicine and supplies in its warehouses in the U.S., Europe and India that can be delivered quickly in times of crisis. The organization has a long history of responding to emergencies in the U.S., including Hurricanes Sandy, Harvey, Irma and Maria and the 2018 California wildfires.

Americares responds to an average of 30 natural disasters and humanitarian crises worldwide each year, establishes long-term recovery projects and brings disaster preparedness programs to vulnerable communities.

Donations to Americares Hurricane Michael Disaster Relief Fund will support its response to the storm. To make a donation, please go to