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Press Release

Americares Deploys Response Team for Hurricane Dorian

  • August 29, 2019

Dorian Shipment

Workers at Americares distribution center in Stamford, Conn., prepare to ship relief supplies for Hurricane Dorian. Photo courtesy of Americares.

Stamford, Conn.  Aug. 29, 2019 – Americares is deploying an emergency response team to Florida and readying shipments of relief supplies as Hurricane Dorian intensifies. The storm is expected to make landfall on Florida’s east coast early next week as a major hurricane, bringing torrential rains and wind speeds up to 130 mph, according to the National Hurricane Center.

“Hurricane Dorian has the potential to cause significant damage and millions of people are in its path,” said Americares Director of Emergency Response Brian Scheel. “Our relief workers are ready to help address the most pressing health needs of families affected by the storm.”

Hurricane Dorian strengthened Wednesday night as it passed Puerto Rico, producing heavy rainfall in Vieques and Culebra—two islands hard hit by Hurricane Maria. Forecasters warned of an increased risk of dangerous storm surge and higher winds as the storm heads toward Florida’s east coast. Gov. Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency for 26 Florida counties in the path of the storm, including all of South Florida.

The Americares emergency response team is expected to arrive in Orlando, Fla., tomorrow. The health-focused relief and development organization is also preparing shipments of cleaning supplies and hygiene products and contacting partner health clinics located in the path of the storm with offers of assistance. Americares supports 92 health facilities throughout the state, including free clinics and community health centers serving the most vulnerable children and adults.

Americares has professional relief workers ready to respond to disasters at a moment’s notice and stocks emergency medicine and supplies in warehouses in the U.S., Europe and India that can be delivered quickly in times of crisis. The organization has a long history of responding to emergencies in the U.S., including Hurricanes Sandy, Harvey, Irma, Maria and Michael.

The organization responds to approximately 30 natural disasters and humanitarian crises worldwide each year, establishes long-term recovery projects and brings disaster preparedness programs to vulnerable communities. Since its founding 40 years ago, Americares has provided more than $17 billion in aid to 164 countries, including the United States.

Donations to Americares Worldwide Disaster Relief Fund will support its response to the crisis. To donate, go to