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Crisis Alert: We are responding to Hurricane Helene

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Glen Moriarty

Psy.D., Founder and CEO, 7 Cups

Glen Moriarty, Founder and CEO, is a psychologist who marries his background in psychology with his love for technology. He is driven to reduce health disparities and ensure emotional support to underserved populations worldwide. His career has been dedicated to supporting people in need, decreasing human suffering and reducing economic burden. As the CEO, he has lead 7 Cups in raising over 18m in funding (seed + innovation grant), and ushered in dozens of significant contracts across private, non-profit, university and government partners. Moriarty feels that serving vulnerable populations is key to solving broader health challenges and has aligned reach with revenue to maximize impact. His stewardship and leadership has lead to 7 Cups reaching 39 million people in 189 countries in less than five years.


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